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Lowestoft Leopard Geckos

Saturday 13 February 2010

9. 2010 Breeding season update 1

Three weeks and one day gone into the incubation of our first eggs from the 2010 breeding season. yippe Marge has dropped us another two eggs this morning. We had another in the past week. Two from Patricia a female we got from Ray Hine. They were her first ever eggs and sadly they collapsed. We think that may be because often the first eggs a leo produces are sometimes infertile. Or alternatively we did not collect them quick enough whereby they were cold or damaged. The other two eggs produced this week are the prodigy of Benazir and Mohammad. These two bewts are both wild caught preserved bloodline stock and are uncontaminated by albino or other selective breeding genes.
So, as of now we currently have six good eggs in the incubator and more expected next week.