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Lowestoft Leopard Geckos

Saturday 25 May 2013

471. We have now accelerated up to Mach 2.

This little Mack snow has just hatched today (25/05/2013) after a 49 day incubation. Parents are Maggie and D-ream. Given this one the name of Mack Muffin. He or she looks a very good 3 gram.

Monday 20 May 2013

470. Phew rushed off our feet with 3 in a day

This is boiled egg who has hatched out this afternoon. He/she is the sibling to Dumpling in post 468 so both have the same parental biography.

469. Mang-tout fantastico

Indeed always fantastico when we have an African fatso hatch out. This is Mange tout who forced his/her way out of the egg at lunch break today (20/05/2013). All of which came after 70 days of incubation, seems African fatsos always do seem to take longer to incubate than Leopard Geckos. With a look of the eye we estimate Mange tout was thereabout 3 gram at hatch. Parens are our African fatso breeding crew Nelson and Polokwane. Fingers are crossed for the sibling egg to hatch which looks in ripe condition.

468. We always like our Dumplings

A big welcome to little dumpling who we found hatched out at the break of Dawn thuis morning (20/05/2013). According to our records Dumplings incubation took 53 days. As a looking estimate he/she is about a 3 gram hatch. Parents are Poppy and Dinkum who both have a hint of red stripe in them. Maybe they will pass some of the strip onto Dumpling?

Monday 6 May 2013

467. Toast almost the perfect twin for Cheese

This is Toast who has just jumped out of the egg this morning (06/05/2013). She/he is the sibling of Cheese in post 466. So all the biographic details are the same apart from an extra day for incubation.

Sunday 5 May 2013

466. More Cheese please.

This is Cheese who wre found hatched out this morning (05/05/2013). His/her incubation period was a very ponderous 61 days. Parents are Dinkum and Poppy and we are expecting Cheese will turn out to be a hypo. Weight at hatch was estimated at 2 gram.